The Pool's Open

The Pool's Open

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mini PIT: Nights 2 & 3...Rubbermaid my day

There are certain experiences in life everyone is glad they've had but wouldn't really want to do again; puberty, dentist appointments, and physicals (cough, cough) are notable examples.  While this wasn't quite the case with nights two and three of mini PIT, it was pretty close.  If night one seemed long, it was nothing compared to the two nights that followed, where a vast majority of time was spent as a human hermit crab nestled under Rubbermaid plastic tubs in order to avoid the wind and sporadic rain.  That being said, forget about Gore-Tex because Rubbermaid is the way to go.  Rarely has such a retarded piece of neglected, Wal-Mart supplied crap ever been more valued.  

Night two was definitely the hardest.  With the winds well over 20 mph it was too difficulty to safely drive the boats along the net, so, as a result, we had to walk check the net the entire night.  This meant a nice, leisurely stroll through waist deep  cold water every 15 minutes in an area where sub-adult lemon sharks were known to occasionally venture...great.  To make things a little easier, we decided to each do two checks in a row so that we would then each have over an hour to stay dry and "warm" on the boat before it was our turn to check the nets again.  

Nights two and three both had their fair share of ridiculous radio chatter and we all went a little bit crazy from cold and sleep deprivation.  The final night, Kristine, Marc, and I spent about two hours writing a song called "Lesbian Check" about how great it was to not find boners (bonefish) tangled in the net during a check...

The hardest part about the final two nights was the utter lack of sharks.  While my net caught seven sharks the first night, we only caught one shark each of the following nights.  However, as bad as the weather was and as miserable as we felt at certain points, it was still a great experience and I had a great time.  

The final night provided a little stellar reprieve as I saw the biggest shooting star i've ever seen (literally the thing went across the entire sky and actually had me scared it was going to slam into the earth Armageddon style) and the sunrise was pretty great.  

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