The Pool's Open

The Pool's Open

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Got Shafted

What's the best way to end a seven hour day spent on a boat using a massive net to trap, measure, and weigh bait fish?

I'm not sure, because my day ended with (or should i say "on") a small submerged pipe shaft randomly sitting at the bottom of the lagoon.  Nothing like the abrupt sound of high-speed metal on metal to put a smile on your face.  Actually, I did smile because it brought back the memory of when my dads old Civic rolled down the driveway and crashed on the large rock at the bottom.  This time, however, i wasn't a 7th grader who'd forgotten his soccer cleats at home, and the only one swearing at me was myself.  Oh well, who doesn't enjoy a forty-five minute tow ride back to the dock on a rainy day?

So, to quote the ironic motto clearly visible in the back windshield of the Civic that fateful day years ago, "Safety is no accident"...


  1. Were you out there by yourself for the whole day?

  2. No, there was an eight person crew on two boats for the day but on the way home the boat i was driving hit a submerged cinderblock/pipe structure that we never knew was there. We went and checked out the area today and discovered something pretty significant but i'm gonna write about that tomorrow once i've loaded my pictures...

  3. Did you take the underwater photo? See any lobsters yet?

  4. Yea, i took that photo the second day here during a shark dive we did. I've seen a ton of lobsters here but most of them are too small to take. You definitely need to come over here one day when i've got a day off, we'll go spearing and i can show you the lab

  5. Let me know your schedule and I'll try to book something on BIA? Otherwise I'll try and boat it over. Do they have dock space or anchor in cut? How many consecutive days do you work? Any Hog Snapper?

  6. is there a way to get email updates when you blog or there is a response to a comment?

  7. I think when you subscribe to my blog (or maybe under your settings) you can have it email you when i write a new post or something, not sure though cause i'm still trying to figure this blogging thing out myself.
